Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 2023 Moment in Nature

The last of the leaves are poignant reminders of what we used to have as we transition into a stark and bare landscape. As I looked out into the woods this week, I noticed that a few of my highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) were still sporting these gorgeous red leaves against a backdrop of bare twigs and an acre of fallen foliage.

This bright vignette is my #momentinnature for this month but one that comes my way every fall if I'll look for it.

Note: These gorgeous native shrubs rival any imported plant for beauty and provide way more support to the local ecosystem because of insect herbivores. According to research, native blueberries support 288 different species of moths and butterflies in their life cycle.  

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore my blueberry bushes. They're a pleasure for all 4 seasons!!
