Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Hidden Life of Trees (the book)


I’m always looking for creative ways to reach people about the importance of plants and my husband recently found a book that I think could be a great resource for young folks and people that are more receptive to graphic depictions of information. The Hidden Life of Trees was originally published in German in 2015 by Peter Wohlleben. Later, an illustrated version was published with numerous photos but still lots of text. In 2023, the version that I’m reviewing was published: The Hidden Life of Trees: A Graphic Adaptation.

The book starts with some good explanations of physical processes to set the stage: how do trees breathe, nutrient uptake, pollination, even how new trees grow and the challenges that seedlings have to reach maturity. Also included in the beginning are the role that trees play in their ecosystem: the creatures that trees support over time from leaves, to bark, to nest cavities, and even the support they play in death.

Chapters are titled Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter and the beautiful illustrations follow that progression. A final Section, The Return to Spring, is a bit of a post-2015 exploration of the impact of his first book and musings on the impact of climate change and the human impacts on global forests. The book is a love letter to trees while imparting information about how important they are and helping us to understand how special they are to our world. I downloaded the following page graphics from the publisher’s website:


I hope that this creative approach will reach more people through its innovative approach. By the way, other books have also been created using parts of the original to help communicate Peter’s message. You can find them here.

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