Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 2024 Moment in Nature

I am accustomed to seeing very little "real" nature in parking lots. If there are plants at all in the tiny islands between cars, they are usually non-native plants that have been pruned and sprayed into things that offer so little life to native critters that they might as well be plastic.

Partridge pea is a native annual

On a trip to the grocery store this week I was totally surprised and delighted to spy this small partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata), a native annual plant that is very useful to native bumble bees and is also a host plant to Cloudless sulphur butterflies. It was a joyful #momentinnature in an otherwise mundane outing.

As I leaned over to take this photo, cars coming and going, I said a silent wish for some hungry bee to stumble upon it, its buzz pollination helping this single plant to make a few seeds to carry on in 2025. 

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