Sunday, March 13, 2022

March 2022 Moment in Nature

I was outside last week (during that lovely but unusual warm spell) when I realized that a pair of woodpeckers were foraging just off the driveway. It was two pileated woodpeckers, likely a male and female, looking for bugs in decomposing logs.

I have a very natural area between the driveway and the area by the street. When small trees fall down, I am able to leave them in place to allow for all the natural processes to work on them. In the case of the woodpeckers, they are looking for beetle grubs and overwintering insects inside them.

I didn't get a picture of them, one had flown off by the time I came back with a camera. This picture is from last year. It was indeed a very special #amomentinnature to share my space with these birds. It is, after all, their space too.

After they left, I took a picture of the wood that they'd been exploring. This one is just about done hosting insects but it will continue to support decomposing insects as well as nourish plants.

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